Private medical consultation
The general knowledge of conventional medicine

About me
My name is Anna Dudás. I am a Hungarian general practitioner. I created this platform to offer medical knowledge, time, and attention privately. My goal is to understand my clients and make relevant information and the possibilities of conventional medicine understandable to them. There is an enormous amount of knowledge in conventional medicine: statistics, guidelines, clinical experiences. However, understanding is an individual and interactive process.
I have been a doctor since 2007. I have always spent "too much time" with my patients. However, during that time, important details and connections often became clear. This time is what I now offer privately.
My consultation is fully privately financed. The consultation is purely supportive and educational, and cannot be combined with my work as a general practitioner in Sevelen. I cannot provide external resources for you, and there is no possibility of issuing sick notes, medications, or prescriptions. I do not have a contract with health insurance companies for my private work.
I speak German, English, and Hungarian. Otherwise, I use DeepL, Google Translate, and ChatGPT.
I cannot advise patients from the Sevelen rural practice in a private setting.
Blog about my general experiences:
Case studies: top right

Home visit

Online session

45 Minutes 150.- CHF
For home visits, in addition to the consultation fee, travel to and from the location must also be financially compensated.
Buchs SG, Grabs, Gams, Sevelen, Weite: 50.- CHF
Other locations in the Werdenberg-Sarganserland region, as well as in Liechtenstein: 100.- CHF
Travel outside the region and international trips: by arrangement
45 Minutes 150.- CHF
